Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Stimulus Package?

In the video above from CNN, you will see Rep. Schock explaining his reasons for voting against the stimulus bill, that has already been passed. He estimates that it is less than 8% stimulus, meaning that out of the almost 1 trillion tax dollars that are being spent only 8% will be used to stimulate the economy.
After looking at the bill myself, there seems to be a large amount of government spending that is geared more towards updating the government than helping the economy. For instance it is written into the bill that 600 million dollars will be set aside for the purchasing of hybrid vehicles for various governmental figures. Not exactly a stimulating factor for the economy. If would like to read for yourself, you can find a full copy of the law here, or if you would like a more simple breakdown of the pieces of the bill look here.
Another thing I would like to point out is that, this money will have to be paid back in due time, which means that within the next ten years taxes will go up, or the national deficit will increase even more, moving our country even more into debt.
There is much to be done, and as demonstrated by the representative in the video, you do have a voice. Contact your Representatives and Senators, they will do what the majority of their constituents want. They want to be re-elected, so make them work for you.

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